Monday, 3 November 2014

Death, Drama and Daryl.

I must admit I never liked zombies or any movie, book or series about them.  Friends and family tried to convince me for two years to watch the Walking Dead. Nope.  I don't like zombies.  Way, way to far fetched.  Really. The dead walking and feeding, really?  I prefer the flying dragons and singing fae myself.  They tried to lure me with the cute guy that you would like bait,  (now that would be Daryl Dixon,) but no I did not fall for even that.  Then the fickle gods of fandom tricked me once, into watching.  Totally by accident.

That is all it took.  The next two weekends was spent catching up on three seasons of the Walking Dead, till three, four in the morning.  I was hooked.  Totally.

And of course Daryl Dixon was my hero;  (they were right), I could not wait to catch just a glimpse of the rugged dirty hillbilly.  Much to my initial shock and later joy I found hundreds of pages on all the social media forums, where fans can chat to each other about their addiction. I loved it.  Then came the long, long wait for the fourth season to start.  The anticipation, the little teasers on the social media sites, made that opening tune heart racing and nail biting pleasure.  It was the same, waiting for the now fifth season after an awful cliffhanger, and in we go without further ado.  Blood. Bodies and Bacon - fried.

The strangest thing is how you become totally accustomed to things.  I used to squirm from horror movies, too much blood.  Now you have dinner watching a zombie or Walker as per the Walking Dead, tearing an unfortunate humans neck to pieces.  The blood splattering is cool. Then the fifth season starts and you have humans eating humans and the stomach turns.  Strange how the one became acceptable but the other not.  Discussing their choice of food with the poor man whose leg they were eating, was just a little too much to take. For now.

So I want to thank the writers of the comics' as well as the series and all who take part in this awesome project.  You have made blood splattering all over, cool.  You have taken me from the shiny fae and beautiful fantasy lover to a hardcore, blood loving zombie fan.

I used to be a scary pant who would properly have died on the first day. I do believe I could possibly survive the zombie apocalypse now.   I won' t faint with the blood and flesh flying.  I now scope each building I walk in - what can I use, where can you hide, what can you loot?   My weapon of choice the bow and arrow of course (not because that is Daryl choice,)   No, because you don't have to get too close to kill.  Almost perfect.

Daryl fighting by my side.  Now that would be perfect.

Author: M.G. Schoombee

#WalkingDead #DarylDixon #bigbaldhead @normanreedus

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