Thursday, 18 September 2014

Why I love Fantasy By M.G. Schoombee

“History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge.” JRR Tolkien.I have been asked many a times - why do you write fantasy? Why do you read fantasy? it's children’s stories - it’s time to grow up.What is a myth?

I believe the above JRR Tolkien quote. It is an actual happening from a very long time ago, which after many, many years became  legend because no one alive could recall it and finally  a myth hidden from all. 

Humans are very quick to categorize any happening, creature or belief system as a myths because they can not explain it. It does not fall into their teachings over the years. How many times have you heard someone say to a little child - there are no such things as faeries ! How sad. The knowledge of faeries and the other realms were very much alive and well thousands of years ago. The people of the land worked with them, to enhance both their worlds on mother earth. As humans progressed, the faeries were pushed backwards into the forests. Into the past, into stories told by firelight. Into histories of far away lands, of long long time ago. Into legends, people only dreamed of and children played at. Into myths - unexplained and impossible. 

Maybe I’m just a child that never grew up. What is wrong with that I ask? Children believe in magick. Everyday is an awesome adventure to find the new, the hidden, the magickal. It’s an amazing adventure searching for dragons and faeries and pirates hiding under the bed, in the closet, in the tree in the back yard.I still do that. I still search everywhere I go. Was that a face smiling from behind that branch? Is that a unicorn hidden in the clouds? Did that guy just give me a very fangy smile? So what if I am just a child that never grew up according to some people. But I prefer it that way. I would rather search for hidden treasure in the backyard than listen to “grownup “ news of murder, hunger and war.

Am I hiding from the truth and reality - NO. I am fully aware of the “bad” world out there and it’s horrendous happenings. I am aware that there is good in that world as well. It is not all bad. I Know, but I prefer not to take part in it, not to concentrate on the negative and make it a part of my life. I prefer to talk to the trees and faeries. I know they listen and somedays when its very quiet, they answer. 

Impossible. I do not think so.

Because I Believe.

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